What better thing to do on a lovely sunny saturday afternoon, than cruise the river Isa with three viking buddies, drink beer, look at nature, drink more beer, constantly pump the boat up as the mighty ss sherry had a hole, drink more beer, ride the gnarly rapids and play limbo with tree branches in a boat and eventually capsize, losing phones wallets and cameras and more importantly the BEER ENGINE, then having to search the river bed and find only 2 beers and all the cameras and phones.
Alas we still had another 2 hour trip downstream to our pick up point, we stopped along the way and raped and pillaged a riverside restaurant for more beer and as the sun set we froze until we made the pick up point and no phone to call, so we carried the SS Sherry an hour through the forest up the hills and down the street to her final resting place and a big big fire and more beer.
SS Sherry, what a beautiful ship! She was powered by a 12 stroke engine of fine Bavarian Beer.
extreme powerboat white water rafting yewww